True Wealth Radio

03:25:2019 Bill of Rights ALL Scripturally & Biblically Based



03/25/2019-   Trump Exoneration - Robert Muellers “Trump Russia Collusion Special Counsel” is finally concluded. As everyone was were, no evidence was found and no charges were brought. Trump was innocent of these falsely trumped up charges from the very beginning. What is most concerning was the unquantifiable masses of collusion conducted by the left-wing, socialist democratic party secretly and unlawfully working with the Russians to destroy Donald Trumps chances of winning the election as the Russians were clearly aware of the democrats historical precedent of cheating and lying to favor the Russian government in countless was including uranium one and countless other ways they supported and propelled Russias global position and influence. Russia undoubtedly wanted to play both sides, assuming they could buy trump off or win him over. This absurd “special counsel investigation” was driven by the socialist Democratic wing of the US political system to delegitimize Trumps election victory while very likely