True Wealth Radio

02:04:2019 Gods Creation & Expectations of Individual Talents & Monetary Blessi



02/04/2019 Gods Blessings & Expectations of Our Individual Talents & Monetary Blessings. What is our responsibility and are we judged For The Use of These Talents & Responsibilities? If so, how are we are we judged? Luke 16 - “Lazarus & The Rich Man” offers a glimpse into Gods perspective and Judgement for these blessings & Talents.  For some reason-perhaps our sinful nature-Each man, whether a “believer” or not, is created in Gods image exactly as God wants us to be. One of mans greatest faults is to compare himself to others when we are the best as being the person God wants us to be. The bible-in the 10 commandments, tells us not to covet. To covet is to desire something that someone else has that does to belong to us and was never intended for us to have. We can admire and be inspired by the accomplishments of others which is technically the maximization and exercise of the talents given to another person. We should not covet but not only learn to become content with how God made us bu