True Wealth Radio

01:16:2019 The Deceptive Infiltration of Socialism(Marxist Communism) and the U



01/16/2019 The Deceptive Infiltration of Socialism (Marxist Communism) and the Urgent Necessity For Immediate Capital Preservation Around 1900, the theory of communism had become widely accepted in philosophical and academic circles which eventually lead to the adoption of the Federal Reserve System which financially maimed America while we allowed some of the greatest tyrants in world history to rise to power under the deceptive guise of “communism”. We have now attempted to soften the term to “socialism” and even worse to “Democratic socialism”, neither of which have anything to do with the structural creation of our nation. America is a capitalistic Republic. Capitalism has become a word filled with negative connotations because of severe corruption and unconstitutional corporatism. Lobbyists collect billions of dollars per year to protect and favor corporations, allowing them to abuse their employees and destroy fair market competition. Our dollar has lost nearly all of its spending power in the previous