True Wealth Radio

09:17:2018 The History of Precious Metals



09/17/2018 The History of Precious Metals    Gold & Silver have been considered true wealth and a monetary asset since the beginning of written human history. Every civilization that has engaged in commerce has used gold & silver as their primary forms of wealth and monetary trade. This pattern has continued unhindered for 4000+ years. Repeatedly challenged by one great empire after the next, powerful rulers have chosen to debase the currency and convert it to a fiat based currency backed by nothing. In every single case, this has been followed by a full economic collapse. Our constitution demanded that all money be coined in gold & silver and regulated by the US Congress. This was inadvertently and unconstitutionally handed over to the PRIVATELY OWNED AND OPERATED Federal Reserve Bank in 1913 including the 16TH amendment allowing for direct taxation(on income) which was also constitutionally forbidden. Since this time we have survived on fiat currency, we have abandoned the gold standard in whole