True Wealth Radio

07:11:2018 Calm Investing In The Storm of Chaos



07/11/2018 Right now we live in a world of chaos. We have 24/7 news cycles designed to alarm us and divide the nation down the middle. We have runaway spending that no one seems to want to address. Isn’t it interesting how the republicans are spending hawks when they’re no in the majority but when they are in the majority they become wild spenders of fiat currency, maintaining the pace of the previous-and extremely fiscally destructive-administration. The hard truth is that inflation is still a runaway train, Trump is battling over tariffs and excise taxes which is hitting commodities hard and supposedly, the dollar is “strong” right now which is why there are no financial areas that appear to be growing. Stocks are a yo-yo and poised for a major 50% correction, real estate is a bubble again-especially commercial real estate, the internet is taking over the globe-eliminating localized businesses and so on. Right now, your money will sit and your primary goal should be preservation. The cost of metals is cheap