Food, Success & Life For The Modern Woman

From Healthy Gut to Great Butt, #77



Dr. Grace Liu, the Gut Goddess is on the podcast with us today. We’re exploring how having a healthy gut can lead to having a great butt. Dr. Grace Liu was in conventional pharmacy with drugs and prescriptions. Like a lot of her patients, she was following the SAD (standard American diet), and was getting fatter and fatter every year. She ended up having some very bad medical problems due to birth control, adrenal dysregulation, Hashimoto’s (but naturally reversed it), and became very overweight, fatigued and tired. She figured out that pharmaceuticals were not helping her health, and completely dived into bugs vs. drugs. We have good and bad bacteria growing in our guts. Dr. Liu teaches a microbiome protocol and brings back what is missing to regrow our tissues, all these things we need to restore our health.   What do ladies need to know about the gut microbiome? Dr. Liu works with a lot of female executives, multi-tasking moms and athletes, sharing how to have the perfect microbiome. Our microbiom