Food, Success & Life For The Modern Woman

Travel a Ton? How to Have Weight Loss and Health Despite Jetsetting with Dan Miller, #57



On today’s episode of Food, Success & Life for the Modern Woman, Dan Miller talks to us about the very simple rules he uses with his clients to help them stay healthy, fit and keep their weight under control. This goes for everyone from stay-at-home moms to top level executives. Everyone is pressed for time and money. His simple rules tackle both these challenges and he spills it all in this episode. If you’re interested in adding years to your life span, and reducing your waistline with very easy to follow steps, listen in! Dan is more fit and more healthy today than he was 20 years ago. He’s accomplished that by paying attention to his body and taking care of it because he intends to live in it for 110 years. So what does he do so differently today, than he did 20 years ago? Meditation Sleep better Don’t exercise nearly as much, and is much more effective Diet, make it easy: food and sugar stabilization Cold showers Hot saunas   What do busy executive women need to do to take control of their health?