Food, Success & Life For The Modern Woman

Weightloss Begins With A Single Step- Elizabeth Benton's Inspiring Story, #24



Elizabeth Benton of Primal Potential shares with us her inspiring story. She struggled with weight most of her life, having reached over 300 lbs. She became obsessed with dieting at a very young age and started her first diet at the age of 5. The more obsessed she became, the more she binged, snuck food, and was feeling depressed. So how did she overcome her obstacle? She started with a single step…and she shares that step with us in this episode. The fundamental structure most of us follow is eat less, move more, restrict yourself, eat only foods that are fat loss friendly, deprive, deprive, deprive…restrict, restrict, restrict. Doing the same thing over and over again….the definition of insanity. So she decided to be gentle with herself and focus on One Thing. This is Step 1. Doing everything now because we’ve got to get this weight off ASAP doesn’t work because we’re not forming habits. There is only so much willpower we have. Focusing on just “one thing”, will help us form a habit. When do we take Step 2?