Food, Success & Life For The Modern Woman

What's Up With Hot Yoga- Certified Yoga Practitioner Annie Brugenhemke Explains, Ep.16



Have you noticed the craze around “hot yoga”? There’s good reason why you’re seeing it pop up everywhere. Certified Yoga Practitioner Annie Brugenhemke explains the most popular types of yoga being practiced in the US and the many benefits surrounding hot yoga, including creating better relationships in our lives. She talks to us about what to bring with us and what to expect for our first hot yoga class, and the frequency in which to practice to reap the highest rewards. “WE PRACTICE YOGA TO GET BETTER AT OUR LIFE.”   BENEFITS OF PRACTICING HOT YOGA: Better sleep- Restorative for the body and better function throughout the day. Better ability to handle speed bumps in life- Not stressing so easily over things that come our way, leading to better relationships with everyone around us. Learning to breath properly- Better oxygen exchange, better exchange of energy, consistent energy throughout the day. Comfort in body- feeling of comfort for days. Feeling of lightness and coordination-  Lighter on feet, don’t t