3blackgeeks Podcast

BAMPodcast- O' To O-Town (Episode 3- Friends Part 1)



It's been a full year since BAM has done a Rocko episode. We're back with one focused on Rocko, Heffer and Filburt. We talk about "Wimp on the Barbie" "Sailing the Seven Zzz's" and "Fish 'N' Chumps". We also talk about Nick Studios, Rocko's place in the Nicktoons lineup and the Bighead's sex life. A very funny episode. BAM IS BACK!!! Site: www.3blackgeeks.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/3blackgeeks Join our Facebook Group: www.facebook.com/groups/813597965405307/ Intro by Cxdy (@thecxdy) Outro by Diana Gitallong & Pacifico- Snowy Palms Be sure to subscribe to both of our feeds on Itunes and any other podcast app. Got questions and/or comments? Hit us up at 3blackgeeks@gmail.com