Pencil Kings | Inspiring Artist Interviews With Today's Best Artists

PK 189: The Future of Art Education with Mike Mattesi of



This episode was originally recorded in early 2018 and has just been released. In this episode, Mike Mattesi and Mitch explore different ideas for the future of art education, how to focus and how niching-down can lead to becoming world-renowned. Highlights: 2:00 - What's new at 4:00 - Thinking forward to using VR in the classroom and teaching his method without being in the same classroom 7:30 - A business idea for the evolution of model photography and reference for artists 10:10 - Where are you seeing students having the most success in the 'new' virtual format of distance learning 18:18 - The challenge of millennials and motivation 25:00 - The fear of going niche vs trying to do everything 27:35 - Using style to really stand out as an artist 32:00 - The idea of being a world-renowned artist and focusing on just one thing 35:20 - How to accomplish the most important things in your life when you have a big list of things to accomplish 38:30 - Laserbeams vs floodlights in drawing, art, and l