Pencil Kings | Inspiring Artist Interviews With Today's Best Artists

PK 185: What it really takes to make great art with Michael from Evolve



Have you always wanted to create art that gets noticed, but not sure if you have the talent to make it happen? If so, you'll love Michael's story as he is currently working through Block 4 of the Evolve Artist program ( where students have learned the skills necessary to create professional level illustrative paintings. In this interview, he will tell you that talent has nothing to do with it because it's all about putting in the work which makes even the highest levels of art attainable to anyone with the desire to learn. When Michael started with Evolve Artist just over a year ago, he wasn't sure if it would work for him, but he knew that this could be his last real shot at being able to learn the skills that would give him the ability to create the work that he really wanted to make. Throughout his life, he always had a creative calling and had tried a number of different ways to learn and improve but was never quite happy with where he was with his art. He made that fateful dec