Mostly Harmless With Dammit Damian - Punk Rock Podcast

98 - Liz Prince & Sam Spina live from Denver Comic Con



This week we have two interviews from DENVER COMIC CON!! First off, we do a man on the street style chat with SAM SPINA, indie comix creator turned Nickelodeon Cartoon Creator and Storyboard artist for REGULAR SHOW!! Then Dammit Damian hosts a Panel interview with the almighty LIZ PRINCE! Liz Prince is of course the artist of the graphic novel TOMBOY and Will You Still Love Me If I Wet The Bed, and Ignatz award winning comic. You may have also seen Liz's work grace the covers of Masked Intruder records, Razorcake Magazine or taking over the world of the Tumblrspheer. AND NOT TO MENTION I GOT TURNED INTO A LIZ PRINCE COMIC! IT'S A DREAM COME TRUE!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!