Cracking Creativity Podcast With Kevin Chung

67: Marcella Chamorro on Lettting Go of Ego, Getting Into Creative Flow, and Becoming More Mindful



Marcella Chamorro's creative journey hasn't been a straight line. Her career path didn't reveal itself to her until well after she graduated from college. In fact, she took multiple detours including working at a non-profit, getting her masters degree, and starting a web design business, all before finding her true calling. She only recognized her true calling of writing, photography, and technology after running her web design business. Through these mediums she is able to help people tap into the serenity and enjoyment they crave. In this episode, Marcella talks about letting go of your ego, getting into creative flow, and becoming more mindful. Here are three things you can learn from Marcella: Let go of your ego One of the problems we face as creatives is letting our ego get in the way of creating something truly great. Often times we tie our self worth to our achievements or the amount of money we make. Marcella believes those things fed directly into her ego. "The main thing that I had realized was that