Cracking Creativity Podcast With Kevin Chung

Andrea Dantas on Learning, Leaning in to Your Why, and Doing Work that Matters



Andrea Dantas could have ended up poor and broke in Brazil. Her father went bankrupt when she was a child and her mother struggled to feed two kids. Her one saving grace was her love for acting. Andrea left Brazil to study acting in Australia. While she was able to get a tourist Visa, she had trouble getting a work Visa. So her mother smuggled her money by putting it inside books she sent through the mail. While she survived on a diet of canned beans, she was still happy because she was learning and doing what she loved. She has been able to build a successful career in acting through years of studying, performing, and working in multiple countries. In this episode, learn why you should never stop learning, why you should always remember your why, and what it takes to do work that matters to you. Here are three things you can learn from Andrea: Never Stop Learning One thing Andrea made very clear is that you should never stop learning. It doesn’t matter if you’ve been practicing your craft for one year or one