Cracking Creativity Podcast With Kevin Chung

53: Catherine Orer on Multiple Paths to Success, the Importance of Gratitude, and Becoming Part of a Community



Catherine Orer was an award winning communications and PR expert for multinational corporations for years, but that job never felt fulfilling to her. So, when the opportunity to study at Christies in Paris opened up, she jumped on it. While in Paris she gained hands on experience working in contemporary art galleries. After her studies, she brought this knowledge and experience back to Canada. While working at an art gallery in Montreal, many artists approached her for help. This began Catherine’s journey as The Artist Entrepreneur. In this episode, find out why gratitude is so important, why there isn’t just one path to success, and why artists should find support. Here are three things you can learn from Catherine: There’s more than one path to success Most people falsely believe there is only one path to success. They believe there’s a secret formula they can learn to become successful. They believe the people who’ve made it are all part of a secret club. Catherine’s path is neither traditional or conventi