Cracking Creativity Podcast With Kevin Chung

43: Max Makewell on Creating Your Own Identity, Overcoming Everyday Obstacles, and the Importance of Building Relationships



Max Makewell is a New York City based artist and muralist, but it wasn’t always this way. He grew up in a family of artists and started his career as an artist, but then transitioned into the startup world. It was only after spending a few years there that he came back to being an artist full-time. In this episode, Max talks about owning your identity, making your way through obstacles, and building relationships as the core of marketing your art. Here are three things you can learn from Max: You Determine Your Own Identity Although he didn’t realize it at the time, Max grew up as an artist. His grandfather and mother were both artists. He grew up thinking everyone had artistic upbringings, but only realized what being an artist meant later in life. He studied it for many years thinking he had to be an artist. It’s all he knew. Then, he changed his course and worked for a startup for a few years. It was only then that he realized he wasn’t just an artist. He wasn’t a search engine marketer. He was someone who