3 Gigs

Episode 22: Deigo Medrano - Ramona



Diego Medrano of the band Romona tells us how getting out of a relationship and playing a show became a focus for his anger, and making all his friends over the course of 8 songs very uncomfortable. Playing a show with everyone that mattered, but having some unfortunate racial interactions in Tacoma, WA. Yet despite that, the people of Tacoma made up for it in the end. Official website: www.3gigspodcast.com Official host website: www.dominicdavi.com ** This episode was brought to you by Fresh Clean Tees! It's like a shaving club, but they bring you awesome, affordable, clean t-shirts! Check out Fresh Clean Tees at http://www.freshcleantees.com/ and get 20% off your first order with the code "GIG" **