3 Gigs

Episode 15: Jay Hunter Richardson - Danger Friends



Jay Hunter Richardson aka Jay Danger from Danger Friends, while recording in the studio tells us about starting a band to perform at the high school talent show, but leaving out actually practicing as a band, never having met the singer, and not knowing how to play the chosen song…and getting third place out of three bands. Jumping into things he’s not quite prepared for. Becoming local legends based off one song and playing the single greatest house show ever. He also shares how Danger Friends survive the most devastating and heartbreaking shows ever.  Official Website: www.3gigspodcast.com Official Host Website: www.dominicdavi.com ** This episode was brought to you by Fresh Clean Tees! It's like a shaving club, but they bring you awesome, affordable, clean t-shirts! Check out Fresh Clean Tees at http://www.freshcleantees.com/ and get 20% off your first order with the code "GIG" **