3 Gigs

Episode 10: Andy Pohl - Sell The Heart Records



Andy Pohl, owner of Sell The Heart Records and member of Snipers visits 3 Gigs and talks about building the courage to perform for the first time, terrible clothing choices, having your heroes love your band, local music scene politics, an in-depth look at the art of starting a new band, how to pick bands for your label, and strange things afoot in Madera, Ca. Website: www.3gigspodcast.com Host: www.dominicdavi.com ** This episode was brought to you by Fresh Clean Tees! It's like a shaving club, but they bring you awesome, affordable, clean t-shirts! Check out Fresh Clean Tees at http://www.freshcleantees.com/ and get 20% off your first order with the code "GIG" **