Double Deuce Podcast

295: Kramer vs Kramering



Going straight at the Notes: Will’s just thinking about Janine! A visit from Oliver! Will is Sassy McSasser, Will is Big Man. You gotta play tennis downstairs, buddy! Tennis ball could be useful (???)! Will wants to be a laid back mafioso! What are the best Lawrence businesses to target for racketeering!? Racketeering is a numbers game, kids! Why isn’t Kramer vs Kramer the Kleenex to divorce’s facial tissues!? Applebee’s: Good for Before, During, and After Kramer vs Kramering! Andy made Will’s dreams come true! The Racketeer! Predator vs Godzilla! Godzilla vs Wesley Snipes! Kramer vs Kramer vs Godzilla! Happy 4th of July! See us live and also streamed! Live episode 300! Saturday, August 7th, 8pm! Should be at Conroy’s, we’ll let you know if it’s elsewhere! Contact Us! Follow Us! Love Us! Email: Twitter: @doubledeucepod Facebook: Also, please subscribe/rate/review/share us! We’re on iTunes, Android, Libsyn, Stitcher, Google, Spotify,, RadioPub