Entrepreneurs In Motion

086: Creating an amazing client experience - with Lynne Reznick



So your customer has made a purchase and you've delivered the product or service as promised. End of story, right? Wrong! Today's guest will teach you how to craft an amazing experience for your clients and customers that exceeds their expectations and leads to rave reviews and referrals. I'm talking with Lynne Reznick, a wedding photographer who has added some very special touches to the service she provides her clients. This is a fascinating episode and I know it'll get you thinking about how to surprise and delight your customers. Highlights: - The specific elements that Lynne has added to craft an amazing experience for her clients - What's the line between delivering extra value vs. overwhelming the client or overworking ourselves? - Results and impact from providing these special touches Links and comments: http://www.entrepreneursinmotion.com/clientexperience/