Furry-muscle Cast

FMC Episode - 06 - A Trip To The Gym, Ho, Ho Ho



Muscle Podcast #6: A trip to the gym – Musclefurs In Action At A Furcon. Chest (and some arms) day, because everyone loves training chest!   schreddedwolf,   tiptoe,   zakrhyno,   maximus-ursus  and special guest   holliehyena went to Lifetime Fitness while at Midwest Fur Fest 2011. Zak and Hollie took video and pictures of the training session for us to use on the podcast and discuss the experience. 3-5 sets of increasing weight each set. Flat bench – free weights Incline bench – free weights Isometric decline presses – machine Flat bench dumbbell presses – free weights Dumbbell rows – free weights Seated cable crossovers – machine Elliptical machine – cool-down Not everyone did all of the exercises or 5 sets of each exercise. Max and Tiptoe followed each other around a lot, since they are used to training together regularly. Schredd was in his zone and trained by himself a lot – mainly because he lifts so much more weight than everyone else, so working in with anyone requires taking off and putting on a lot