Milk Break

Episode 19- Fish-Face Elon Musk



In this episode, the guys discuss their favorite Christmas movies! They also discover the first sounds recorded from Mars, the science behind how Mars will one day be colonized and how Elon Musk made NASA his bitch. A special appearance is made by Goldilocks, the only person horny enough to approve livable conditions in the galaxy. It gets real weird...   Here is a link to the reference audio from the podcast: First Recorded Audio from Mars   Check us out on iTunes, Google Play, Spotify, Stitcher, and anywhere podcasts are downloaded! Leave us a nice review on iTunes too; it really helps out the podcast!!!   Take a Milk Break with us at: Email: Twitter: @MilkBreakPod Facebook: Spotify: Milk Break Podcast on Spotify!   And, as always, thanks to Scott Holmes for the use of this music!