Spooky Sh*t

SS 11: Ghost Romance: The Worst Thing



TRIGGER WARNING: NECROPHILIA, MURDER, STRONG PERFUME Today's pod is all about ghosts and romance. Well, not really romance, more like ghosts and jealousy, murder, and obsession. Brandi covers the bloody story of Dolores Marti and Manuel Abela, a love story so potent people can still smell it hundreds of years later. Hope drives into the obsession of Dr. Carl Tanzler with one dead young lady who he insists was speaking to him from her grave. It does not end well. Remember to send in your ghost stories to spookyshitpod@gmail.com or DM @spookyshitpod. And while you’re at it, check out our tumblr! Spookyshitpod.tumblr.com