No Guitar Is Safe

137 - Misha Mansoor



Focusrite brings you a deep guitar hang with MISHA MANSOOR, who plugs two of his favorite signature-model Jackson guitars, deconstructs some of his great riffs for you, and shares how he created PERIPHERY, one of the most influential prog-metal bands in history. (Some would even say Mansoor is one of the chief architects of the genre known as “djent” — we’ll see if the ever-humble guitarist/producer agrees.) Misha also shares everything from his deep Allan Holdsworth influence to how he creates Hendrix-style echo-before-distortion psychedelic feedback loops. Additionally, Mansoor details how he and his other guitar hero friend, Tosin Abasi, like to go hot-doggin’ down canyon roads behind the wheels of exotic supercars. Thanks again to FOCUSRITE, makers of great audio interfaces and more, for making this episode happen.