Let It Bleed

Ep. 28 - The East Coast is Wrong feat. Nick Micheletti



The wizards step into the studio this week with drummer, camera man, and all around awesome dude Nick Micheletti! From fast food to aliens to his life running from bar gig to the control room at the Honda center, they covered all the bases! They might've even found a 5th and 6th bases just so they could cover it! Don't miss RISE from the beautiful people at K Tribe this week and mark December 17th in your calendar for the next Psychedelic Lion's Den Art in the Park day! Shout Outs(RISE 11/17/2017) facebook.com/events/134355987191748/ Nick Michelletti (Hired Gun Trio)(Bookings) HiredGunTrio@Gmail.com(Instagram) instagram.com/HiredGunTrio(Twitter) twitter.com/HiredGunTrio(Facebook) facebook.com/HiredGunTrio Let It Bleed(Twitter) twitter.com/LetItBleedCast(Facebook) facebook.com/LetItBleedCast(Instagram) instagram.com/LetItBleedCast David Amaya(Instagram) instagram.com/hoodratstufff(Psychedelic Lions Den) instagram.com/Psychedelic_Lions_Den Phil Arroyo(Twitter) twitter.com/philNOBODYcares(Instagram) instagram.co