Let It Bleed

Ep. 26 - I Didn't Know They Had Crack Back Then feat. Erik Toso



The Wizards step into the studio this week with DJ, Sailor, and all-around awesome dude Erik Toso (Bass Cradle)!  Together they had entirely too much fun as they talked about the evolution of musical taste, sailing, and his time studying echocardiography.   Erik Toso (Bass Cradle)(SoundCloud) soundcloud.com/bass-cradle Let It Bleed(Twitter) twitter.com/LetItBleedCast(Facebook) facebook.com/LetItBleedCast(Instagram) instagram.com/LetItBleedCast David Amaya(Instagram) instagram.com/hoodratstufff(Psychedelic Lions Den) instagram.com/Psychedelic_Lions_Den Phil Arroyo(Twitter) twitter.com/philNOBODYcares(Instagram) instagram.com/hoodratstufff(Twitch) twitch.tv/pjpantsfire