Chris Beat Cancer: Heal With Nutrition & Natural Therapies

Will Bulsiewicz, MD – Fiber Fueled: Expand your microbiome, heal your gut and prevent disease with fiber-rich food



Show Notes and Links Here: Nearly 2500 years ago Hippocrates brilliantly declared, “All disease begins in the gut.” And it’s taken almost as many years for science to uncover why… 70-80% of your immune system is in your gut! Today’s episode of the Chris Beat Cancer podcast features Will Bulsiewicz, MD, MSCI, (a.k.a. Dr. B), a board-certified gastroenterologist, gut health expert, and the author of Fiber Fueled: The Plant-Based Gut Health Program for Losing Weight, Restoring Your Health, and Optimizing Your Microbiome. Fiber is essential for a healthy gut, diverse microbiome and a strong immune system. It is, in my opinion, the most underrated nutrient. And as a result, 97% of Americans are fiber deficient! Fun fact: You can’t get fiber from animal food. It is only found in plants. In our interview Dr. Will Bulsiewicz and I talk about Fiber Fueled, how to heal and prev