Structural Performance Podcast

Episode #20 How To Naturally Improve Your Vision And Throw Your Glasses In The Trash



In episode #20, I discuss the possible causes of myopia (nearsightedness) and one method for improvement. Myopia can be genetic (inherited) but expression is enhanced by epigenetic (environmental and lifestyle) factors. Additionally, Myopia can be non genetic but induced by epigenetic (environmental and lifestyle factors) Epigenetic factors include close work such as study, poor diet, and lack of outdoor exercise, poor illumination, and poor eye care. Dietary factors such as that are associated with myopial development and progression are: Hyperinsulinemia and insulin resistence Excess intake of carbohydrate and whole grains Deficiency of fish oil and essential fatty acids Deficiency in fat soluble vitamins Mineral deficiency or excess In a study by Loran Cordain, Children in the the islands of Vanatu have 8 hours a day of compulsory schooling, yet their rate of myopia is only 2% (very low!) Their native diet consists of fish, yam, and coconut (and no grains) Those with strong myopia >2.0 diopters (>20/150) a