Voices Of Impact With Ryan France

Emilee & Ben Blackburn - Tatum's Love Foundation



How To Turn Pain Into Purpose Through their marriage and the birth of their first child, Emilee and Ben Blackburn had nothing but blessings. But then, an unexpected hardship rocked the core of the Blackburn family — a stillbirth of their second child, Tatum. During the grieving process, Emilee suggested the family find a way to turn that pain into purpose. With a naming suggestion from the Blackburn’s first child, Walker, Tatum’s Love Foundation was founded. “We’re always thinking of things that we can do to give back. That helps with our grief,” the couple says. “We show other families this is what helps us, so they can possibly get through their grief by doing the same thing that we are.” Tapping into Ben’s experience running a family business, the Blackburns have moved Tatum’s Love Foundation from a message of hope to a proven program, raising $80,000 to support the stillbirth loss community. And along that path, Ben and Emilee also created Fathers For Hope and Mothers For Hope. Both groups have fundraisin