Voices Of Impact With Ryan France

How To Craft A More Powerful Identity Through Story



How To Craft A More Powerful Identity Through Story “Surely I wasn’t put on this earth to be just a real estate agent, right?” That was the nagging question and the uncomfortable conclusion I came to about three years ago. I was sitting on the couch in our upstairs game room — second week in March 2015. My wife, Kristin, was by my side and my kids were playing on the floor beneath my feet. “What’s wrong?” she asked All I could muster was, “I can’t do THIS anymore. It’s just not me.” I think you’ll agree with me that it’s terribly uninspiring to pour so much time and emotional energy into becoming a better version of something, deep down, you know you were never meant to be. You see, nearly ten years after finally losing my dream — my purpose — of playing professional baseball, I’d yet to find something to fill the emptiness of a vacated “dream-hole.” That “couch conversation” touched off a series of events that led me to the conclusion that I needed to “change my story.” Both the one I was telling myself and