Voices Of Impact With Ryan France

Rachel Holtin - AustinFoodstagram



Crafting A Voice That Carries Positive Influence You could make an argument that Rachel Holtin is one of Austin’s original social media influencers. Her Instagram account, AustinFoodstagram, and her blog by the same name have attracted a cult-like following. Then again, Rachel is quick to point out that the good old-fashioned game of influence has been played since the beginning of time. It’s just the platforms that have changed, in today’s digital age. “The term ‘influencer’ has existed for a long time.” she said. “People have always taken advice from friends, family, even celebrities. Now, with social media, you have online friends, people you relate to, whose opinions you trust for purchasing decisions or events to attend.” As a pioneering voice in the local social media scene, Holtin has turned what was once a hobby, into a full-fledged business. From networking and business planning to storytelling and content strategy planned months in advance, it’s safe to say that Rachel has earned every one of her 76