Voices Of Impact With Ryan France

Mark Heaps - ATX Photo & Video Studio



How to Act Like an Engineer and Think Like a Creative The first time I sat down with Mark Heaps, he mentioned to me that "People tell me all the time, 'Dude, your story is insane." He wasn't lying. From opulent wealth as a young child, to living with family on a small English island from graduating college at the age of 18, to essentially hitchhiking his way to Silicon Valley. Mark's story is one of patience, persistence, and most importantly, self-awareness. In this episode of Voices of Impact, Mark and I dive into the deep connection that comes by way of sharing your authentic story, what I would call the importance of "standing in your brand." And Mark shares with us why, despite decades of accolades and personal achievement, he actually derives more satisfaction and fulfillment by renting out his little photo studio in Southeast Austin, to up-and-coming creatives. Get access to full show notes by visiting: http://www.voicesofimpact.com/mark-heaps/