Voices Of Impact With Ryan France

Meagan Miksch - Beckett Staging & Design



A Blueprint For Turning Passion Into a Practical Business It’s not often that you run into someone who is fortunate enough to live at the intersection of talent, passion and purpose. Then again, if you were to draw up the schematics of a successful business, you’d likely find all three of those elements on display. Meagan Miksch grew up with a keen eye for interior design and a desire to own her own furniture store. And yet as many often do, in college, she gradually distanced herself from that dream, in favor of pursuing a more traditional career path. It wasn’t until she and her husband purchased and remodeled their first home that she once again felt the pull towards interior design. The first house led to a second, and then a third, all of which she ended up ‘staging to sell.’ It was that experience that sparked a business idea, which has fueled her entrepreneurial journey as owner and lead designer at Beckett Staging & Design. In this episode we discuss Meagan’s methodical path from first time homeow