The Tannhauser Gate's Podcast

TANNHAUSER GATE - EPISODE 12: Star Wars - The Force Awakens



A Long Time Ago In A Podcast Far Far Away there were **Star Wars Spoliers** - Will and I are back, in a time and space defying transatlantic podcast episode, with our twelfth Tannhauser Gate Film and TV podcast - in which we we ramble, pontificate and generally get sidetracked about Star Wars - The Force Awakens!!! Will Ruins my countdown to introduction, we discuss the merits of snowy beards and falling over during winter sports, ask the important question 'How does Kylo-Ren avoid helmet hair???', we also point out that whoever designs droids is woefully misguided and Jonny completely forgets to mention how the Star Destroyer in the film is called The Finalizer despite writing down how cool that is in his notebook. Oh and lets not forget Skippy - the Jedi Kangadroid.Force-tastic