Tortuga Nights: A Pirates Of The Caribbean Fancast

Tortuga Nights Episode 12: World of Pirates Online



Every Podcast takes a 2+ month break, right? That's audience engagement 101. In this Certified Pirate Classic, the Tortuguys and our special guest Terrence have a safe and sane adventure into the wild world of Pirates of the Caribbean. "But Ian" you might be asking "How can that be possible?" Well, dear listener, through the power of the Dungeon World Roll-playing system, anything is achievable. Terrence is the DM/Scenario Writer, The Tortuguys all play characters, it's just a good time for everybody. Ben WILL play for gumbo, Brad thinks math suks, Ian needs another round of boat drinks, and Terrence is looking for that one particular harbor. [Accordion covers by Jackson Parodi, dude is a beast.] [Cover art by Ross Bradley: + IG: bossradley] [Got a question?]