Dealersedge Q&a With Mike B

Q&A With Mike B and Max Zanan Government Agencies Targeting Auto Dealerships Reduce Your Exposure!



DealersEdge VIP Members Have Access to The Full Workshop and Hundreds More! (Video - MP3 - CD - PDF Executive White Paper) For More Info: Mike Bowers asks questions submitted by himself and attendees during Max Zanan's Which Government Agencies are Targeting Auto Dealerships… And How to Reduce Your Exposure Workshop Info: Air Date: Thursday November 17, 2016 at 1pm Eastern/ Noon Central/ 11am Mountain/ 10am Pacific Featuring: Max Zanan: from Total Dealer Compliance Program Length: 60 Minutes Discover the Top Areas for Enforcement and Penalty Currently Costing Other Dealerships a Bundle! High Risk Areas for All Dealership Departments. When it comes to government regulation and enforcement it seems that Auto Dealerships have a huge target painted on the rooftop. Laws and regulations impacting auto dealers are many. However, this workshop we will focus on the top enforcement threats facing most auto dealers today and how you can prepare and adjust to lessen your dealership's exp