Two Tall Girls

Episode 8: The Beauty of Being a Hot Mess



This is episode 8. We say on the pod it's episode 9. Numbers aren't real and mistakes are beautiful, which brings us to the topic of today's episooode... Today Linnea and Mona follow in the footsteps of every podcast that ever existed, and discuss "self care" (what does that even mean though!?). They keep it real and reveal what parts of living a #together #adult life they are still strugglin' with, and why this may not be such a bad thing. No shaming mandates to wake up at the crack of dawn and do yoga here. Instead Mona and Linnea talk about Planned Parenthood (!!yas!!), struggling to maintain a healthy sleep schedule (bleeeh), and the pitfalls of emphasizing only the individual when we talk about self care. Another Round self care podcast we mention (with Rachel Wilkerson Miller, Senior Lifestyle Editor at BuzzFeed): To do list app Linnea mentioned: