Illuminate Together Radio

Intuition - how to tap into it and apply it to your business



Intuition - some call it that voice, a knowing or a sixth sense. Others call it signs and guidance. No matter what you call it we all have it and when used daily it can help us make wise choices to help us in our business. On this episode we will be chatting about using our intuition specifically in our business decissions. Imagine a place to go where you can learn ideas to help you grow your business in alignment with your personal beliefs. Where you can learn from experts, hear their stories and become inspired. A place where your questions are answered and your opinion counts. A place where conscious business leaders gather to learn from each other and shine their lights together to change the world for the better Well imagine not more, Illuminate Together Radio is the place and then some. Here your host and Fairy Godmother Michelle Spalding will share with you weekly how to have the business and life of your dreams. She'll teach you how to blend creativity, inspiration, passion and adventure in