Simon Scholes

Behind The Scenes Content - The Social Media Podcast



Did you know that it's craft month? There are so many brands and businesses on social media that are essentially home based businesses creating some amazing crafts, but struggle to find their community / avatar customers. I'm always an advocate of working out who your audience is, where they're hanging out and then put 70% of your effort into that channel. So, what type of content can give value in the crafting world or at least appeal to your community? However, once you've done that I think a great place for crafters is twitter. Yes it's not a visual platform (although visuals do perform better than just text here), but, in all the different twitter hours across the globe their are many great crafters and they're all one big fantastic community amongst themselves, supporting each other etc. So, you need to take a look at twitter hours, I've previously created a list of them (there's more since I published this) but check out the link below. twitter hours :