Simon Scholes

Podcast Tips (2 - Grab Your Duvet) - The Social Media Podcast



PODCAST TIP 2 GRAB YOUR DUVET So yesterday I spoke about how having perfection isn’t important to creating podcast content. In fact, a lot of mine are done on voice notes as I’m driving to clients, etc. However, if you want it to sound like you’re in a studio at a fraction of the cost, take your phone and stick it and your head under your duvet. The duvet acts as a perfect sound booth and soundproofing. There’s no chance for the sound to reverberate around anyway as it totally dampens the sound. So take up your quality by sticking your head under a duvet. Sounds crazy but it works. Facebook live cheat sheet: Hi, I'm Simon and welcome to the social media podcast. I am the founder & creative director of Perception Studios UK, and award-winning visual marketing agency, based in Andover Hampshire, in the UK. I also specialise in working with small businesses, and brands in helping them understand how they can grow their social following and brand for FREE...