Simon Scholes

Blog Growth Tips (6 - Be Original) - The Social Media Podcast



BLOG GROWTH TIP 6 BE ORIGINAL We’ve all heard the line “Imitation is the highest form of flattery”, but in the blogosphere, it’s just plain and simple copying. Don't be a copycat, it's all well and good covering the same subject matter as someone else, but, make sure you give it your own slant. People want to consume your value, not someone elses. If you do copy, it’s not going to help your online reputation, people can see right through it, especially if they consume your content on a regular basis, as they can read the different tone of voice etc. Yes it’s hard to produce your own content, but, that’s where the planning comes in to make sure you have your subject matters in mind. So, remember, it’s fine to share someone else blog, but, don’t say it’s your own, always be original with your own content.