Simon Scholes

Blog Growth Tips (1 - Make Time) - The Social Media Podcast



BLOG GROWTH TIP 1 HAVE YOU MADE TIME? The blog is the first content you create in the “How to 9 x your social media” process. I call it the doorway to content, as this one piece will help you with so much more. According to a recent survey, a typical blog post takes two and a half hours to create. The same study reveals that a large number of bloggers write outside of regular “work hours,” including on weekends and at night. So basically, it takes time to create your blog. And writing blog posts is just the beginning; in addition to creating content, bloggers must optimise for search engines, make time for social media, market their content, network, and engage with readers, just like with all forms of social media. Not being fully committed is what separates amateur bloggers from the pros. I think the main mistake I see in new bloggers is not being totally committed to what they’re doing. As @garyvee says, you can’t be half pregnant, go all-in on your content and start with a blog. Facebook live c