Simon Scholes

Instagram Growth Tip (12 - Don't be afraid hire a professional) - The Social Media Podcast



ARE YOU TRYING TO SELL? As I’ve mentioned many times, social media is for being SOCIAL. It’s not a place to post and sell with every post you put out. However, selling does have a time and a place. When it comes to selling your brand and products means you really need to stand out, create something different. This is the point speaking to a professional might be the way forwards. We can all have a creative idea, and it could be amazing, but, it’s usually a professional team who’ll help you realise it, and when you’re putting money behind the content to help sell your brand it’s well worth making sure the content you’re using looks great and does what you want it too. For example, did you know research has found that photos with a single dominant hue do best, and also images with faces help break down the barriers of not knowing who you’re working with. Blue colours are very calming and images with natural light score more likes on average? A professional will know these things and much more. There ar