Simon Scholes

Instagram Growth Tips (1 - When Should I Be Posting) - Podcast



How often are you posting? We all know regular posts are a key to staying top-of-mind, and long gaps between updates can let your followers forget about you. This is the same on all social media channels too, not just instagram. On the other hand, going mad with how often you post, your followers with excessive Instagram posts will make them unfollow you. Your Instagram presence should be like your a nice smell, noticeable, but not overpowering. Now, the basic rule of thumb is, a piece of content will last 8 hours, so you need to be looking to post about 3 times a day, but it could potentially be more often or slightly less. One or two posts a day is the sweet spot for most brands. Experiment with different frequencies and analyse your results to find your balance. For example, start doing two posts a day for a while and monitor your engagement. Then switch things up by posting more or less, and see how your followers respond. You can also try posting at different times of the day to see when your follo