Simon Scholes




BUT WHAT WILL THEY THINK OF ME? Ok, it’s time for number 2. When it comes to social media, we all hear loads of different technical subjects thrown around, but a lot of us have no idea what any of them mean, so, let's break them down over a few different posts so you can start to understand things a bit better when people are talking about stuff, and help take your brand from local to national. So, something everyone worries about is what other people think when they’re posting content on their social media channels. That level of nobhead syndrome as I like to call it. The fact is, we all tend to worry about what will happen when TROLLS rear their ugly heads. This raises the question to, What is a troll? So, social media trolls are well known for trying to create controversy online, and in fact you do actually have some professional trolls, especially on youtube who make a living from being dicks. You’ll find they post negative, off topic content and usually try to start an argument. What I use as a