Simon Scholes




APRIL FOOLS DAY So, it’s that date yet again where everyone is telling you to check your zip is done up on your trousers, or saying your shoe laces are untied, or as some brands do, take it totally to the next level and use it in their marketing. So, how much have you thought about how you could use dates like today in your marketing. There have been some incredibly clever, and viral April fools from big brands and businesses over the years, and one of my personal favourites this year is from Travelodge who’re suggesting they are going to offer bed sharing with customers only booking in on their own to try and save money. This is why planning your content has been such an important message for me to people. There are so many amazing dates in the year you can tie your content and marketing back into that will really draw in your raving fans, and if it’s fun enough there’s a huge chance of it being shared and that increases that opportunity of viral content. It doesn’t ensure it, but, hell, what’s stopping