Simon Scholes




PATIENCE PATIENCE PATIENCE More and more people are using social media every single day for their brands and businesses. However, in connection to this, a lot of these people are also thinking that a single social media post will be the answer to their prayers and bring them lots and lots of business. Social media is not a place to sell, it is however and excellent place to build brand, to build confidence in what you do, and most importantly build a group of raving fans who’ll not only be potential customers in the future but will also share your amazing value driven content when you put it out. So, when you’re putting together your social content remember that consistency is key, and there’s no point in putting out one piece of content on Tuesday and the next one going out in a months time. You wouldn’t go into a gym and lift weights for one hour and expect to walk out looking like Arnie in Predator, so why would you expect to put in one days work on your social and it bring a return for you. Patience