E-com Sales Tax

3 Years Later: What Has Happened Since the Wayfair vs South Dakota Supreme Court Decision?



It has been 3 years since the Wayfair Vs South Dakota decision was made in the Supreme Court. Since then states have been rushing to implement economic nexus and marketplace facilitator tax laws to capture sales tax revenue from remote sellers. Today I invited Paul Johnson our VP of Operations to talk about Missouri finalizing their economic nexus and marketplace facilitator tax laws and other changes states have made over the last few years.Additional Questions Answered:Which states have yet to establish economic nexus laws?When was the last time sales tax was brought up in the Supreme Court?When will Missouri's economic nexus laws come into play?      - Read the legislation here: https://governor.mo.gov/press-releases/archive/governor-parson-signs-wayfair-legislation-lawWill states come after ecommerce sellers?What has changed since the Wayfair VS South Dakota Supreme Court Decision 3 years ago?Are all online marketplace facilitators required to collect and remit sales tax for sellers selling on their